Please Review Our Complaints Process
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for permitting the reporting of content that may be illegal or otherwise violates the established standards within our organization/platform. By implementing a complaints form, we aim to provide users with a convenient and efficient method to report potentially harmful or non-compliant content, ensuring a safe and responsible online environment.

Policy Statement:

Our organization/platform recognizes the importance of user participation in content moderation and the significance of promptly addressing content that may be illegal or violates established standards. We permit and encourage users to utilize our complaints form to report such content, enabling us to take appropriate action, mitigate harm, ensure legal compliance, and uphold ethical guidelines.


Complaints Form Availability: We will provide a dedicated complaints form that is easily accessible on our organization's/platform's website or application. The form will be prominently displayed, allowing users to report content that they believe may be illegal or violates the established standards.

Clear Reporting Categories: The complaints form will include clear and defined reporting categories to cover a range of potential violations, including but not limited to hate speech, harassment, copyright infringement, illegal activities, and explicit or offensive material. Users will be encouraged to select the appropriate category when submitting their complaint.

Comprehensive Complaint Information: The complaints form will include fields for users to provide detailed information about the reported content, including relevant URLs, usernames, descriptions, and any supporting evidence. This information will assist our content moderation team in effectively evaluating and addressing the reported content.

Anonymity and Confidentiality: We will prioritize the privacy and protection of users who submit complaints. Whenever possible, we will provide the option for anonymous reporting, ensuring the confidentiality of individuals reporting potentially harmful or illegal content.

Prompt Review and Action: Upon receiving a complaint, we will establish a process for prompt review and assessment. Our trained content moderation team will evaluate reported content based on legal requirements and our established standards. Swift action will be taken to address confirmed violations, which may include content removal, warning or suspension of the user account, and, when necessary, reporting to relevant authorities. We will review and resolve each complaint within seven business days.

Feedback and Communication: We will provide feedback and communication to users who submit complaints, acknowledging their contribution and informing them of the outcome of their complaint. Regular updates and transparency in the complaint handling process will help build trust and confidence among users.

Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuously improving our complaints form and processes. User feedback and suggestions will be actively sought and evaluated to enhance the effectiveness and user-friendliness of our content moderation efforts.


All users of our organization/platform are required to comply with this policy. Failure to adhere to the reporting guidelines or misuse of the complaints form may result in appropriate disciplinary action, which may include warnings, account suspension, or termination, depending on the severity and frequency of violations.

By implementing this policy and providing a dedicated complaints form, our organization/platform aims to create a safe, responsible, and inclusive online environment. Permitting the reporting of content that may be illegal or violates the standards through the complaints form empowers users, enables legal compliance, and promotes ethical content consumption. It is through the collective efforts of our users and the commitment of our organization that we can maintain an environment that fosters respect, diversity, and responsible digital citizenship.

Please review our appeals process here Appeals Process